Workers compensation consulting

Cardinal Point Advisors is a consulting company that represents Firefighters and Police Officers to help navigate workers comp and ICS. As of August 23rd, 2025, Cardinal point Advisors represent the members of  Fairfield Professional Firefighters Association’s (FPFA).  Ten of our members have already used his services and have found him to be extremely helpful handling their injuries and/or illnesses while off work.  We will begin working with Scott Sorensen and his team to provide better medical services to our members.

“Our purpose is to promote the health and welfare of California’s public safety personnel who are in the Worker’s Compensation system. As a Special Purpose Corporation (SPC), we are here for a cause, not to make money.”
–Scott Sorensen, Founder, Cardinal Point Advisors


Cardinal Point Advisors website link:

Contact information:

Scott Sorensen

President CPA


Email: [email protected]